MBC Series on Muawiya - Episode 02

مسلسل معاوية ابن أبي سفيان | الحلقة الثانية بجودة عالية HD
MBC Series on Muawiya - Episode 02
The second episode of the historical series "Muawiyah&#

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Summary about MBC Series on Muawiya - Episode 02

The Battle of Hunayn and Its Aftermath

The second episode of the historical series "Muawiyah" focuses on the pivotal Battle of Hunayn, where the Muslims emerge victorious and capture many prisoners, including Shaima bint Al-Harith. During the battle, Abu Sufyan is injured and loses an eye. After the battle, Muawiyah and his brother Yazid are accused of converting to Islam for personal gain, but they deny these claims and are forgiven.

Muawiyah's Personal Life

Meanwhile, Muawiyah's personal life takes a significant turn. He marries Kanoo, one of the best girls, and they have a daughter named Ramla. However, Muawiyah's wife Kud falls ill and passes away, leaving him saddened. Ramla, the mother of the believers, encourages Muawiyah to remarry and suggests Fakhed, who also has feelings for his daughter. Muawiyah agrees and marries Fakhed.

The Messenger of God's Illness and Passing

As the episode progresses, the Messenger of God falls ill, causing fear among the people. Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq leads the prayers in his absence, and eventually, the Messenger passes away. The people gather around his house, mourning and praying for him. Abu Bakr delivers a powerful message, reminding them that Muhammad was only a mortal and that they should continue to worship Allah.

Planning for the Future

Abu Bakr reminds the companions that they must protect the land of the Muslims and plan to overthrow the Persians and Romans. Omar bin Al-Khattab suggests fighting the Romans in their own land, and Muawiyah brings up the need for soldiers to be trained for different conditions. Meanwhile, Khalid bin Al-Walid is tasked with preparing the armies and training them for battle.

A New Chapter

As the episode comes to a close, Muawiyah is informed that Juwayriya and Sumayyah will be by his side during the birth of his child. The episode ends with a reminder to subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for more. Throughout the episode, we see Muawiyah learning about his responsibilities in the presence of the Messenger of God, displaying his bravery and loyalty to the Muslim cause, and dealing with personal struggles and losses.