In Dastak Episode 8 Faryal shares a heartfelt moment as she talks about her uncle's hospitalization due to blocked arteries. The doctor has been consulted and is optimistic about his recovery
In Dastak Episode 8 Faryal shares a heartfelt moment as she talks about her uncle's hospitalization due to blocked arteries. The doctor has been consulted and is optimistic about his recovery
A Heartfelt Moment: Faryal's Concern for Her Father's Health
In a recent video, Faryal shares a heartfelt moment as she talks about her uncle's hospitalization due to blocked arteries. The doctor has been consulted and is optimistic about his recovery, but Faryal is asked not to call as her uncle undergoes angioplasty. She is requested to pray for her father's well-being and remain positive, drawing hope from a friend who underwent a similar procedure and has been healthy for six years.
Faryal expresses confusion and concern about how her active and healthy father could develop this condition, and also worries about her sister Farzana, who has a weak heart. Despite the situation, Faryal believes that everything happens for a reason and that it's not necessarily caused by the actions of a daughter-in-law or son-in-law. She reflects on the death of her father-in-law five months after her marriage and wonders if it was her fault, ultimately concluding that illness can happen to anyone, regardless of their circumstances.
A Family's Concern: Kiran's Father-in-Law's Angioplasty
In another video segment, a family gathers at the hospital where Kiran's father-in-law has undergone a successful angioplasty procedure. The doctor advises everyone to go home and rest, but Kiran insists on staying at the hospital with her husband. Kiran's mother is emotional and worried, while Kiran's aunt-in-law makes insensitive comments about Kiran's role in her father-in-law's heart attack. Kiran's husband assures everyone that his father will be fine, and they should not worry.
Kiran's friend Asiya brings her some food and inquires about Kiran's father-in-law's health, while Kiran's brother Sajad Bhai is also updated about the situation. The next 24 hours are critical for Kiran's father-in-law's recovery, and the family is filled with concern and worry.
A New Chapter: Saif's Decision and Kiran's Support
In another segment, an individual appears to be in good health, but those around him are left feeling sad by his departure. There is concern about some tins of Haleem that were left behind and have been placed in the fridge to prevent spoilage. The person expresses gratitude for the care his daughter-in-law has provided in his absence and mentions that his son has been visiting him more often, revealing his love for him.
The individual has resigned from his job and will be starting at the family business. He is advised to take care of himself and become a strong support system for his wife and upcoming child. He is also reminded to take care of his health and not worry about those left behind, as they have each other for support.
A Mother's Concern: Kabir's Departure and Kiran's Responsibility
A woman comments on the desolate atmosphere of the house since Kabir's departure. She mentions that Kiran had informed her that Sara and Anik were safe in Canada and expresses her relief that all the foreigners had returned to their homeland. She reminisces about when she would have to go to the office now that Kabir was gone and questions the purpose of the house being in her name.
The woman expresses her admiration for her daughter-in-law and her domestic skills, encouraging her son Kiran to find a job and help with the family business now that his friend Saf has resigned. She reveals that she had to leave her job to take care of her ailing father and his business due to a family history of heart problems.
A Heartfelt Apology and a Request
In another segment, the speaker expresses their admiration for their daughter-in-law and her domestic skills. They apologize for not being able to fulfill their dreams of having a wife, child, and home with the person they are speaking to. They ask that the person not call them again and are excited to attend Sobia's wedding, asking that they get ready quickly so they can leave within the hour.
A Concerned Parent: Kiran's Safety and Doctor's Appointment
In a final segment, the speaker expresses concern for Kiran's safety and emphasizes the importance of not being negligent in taking Kiran to a doctor's appointment. They encourage the person they are speaking to to go to the doctor's appointment with Kiran, assuring them that they will be fine on their own. The segment ends with the speaker saying goodbye and confirming that they are complete and ready to go.